Dick Demon: Vanishing Point
DICK DEMON: VANISHING POINT by Jean-Marc Lofficier, J.M. Arden & Manuel Martin Peniche, cover by Manuel Martin Peniche; colors by Anthony Dugenest & Studio Cirque.
Returning to Los Angeles to investigate the death of his father and the disappearance of his brother, Harvard student RICHARD DAMON discovers the existence of a monstrous conspiracy spanning millennia...
The Twilight People, chained for centuries, are now awakening, smelling the fear that permeates the City of Angels on the ever of this new millennium, for that is the one delicacy that creatures of the night find the most delectable... But then, comes one who pushes back the forces of darkness... "DICK DEMON!"
In this exciting supernatural thriller, writer Jean-Marc Lofficier, French artist Arden and Mexian artist Manuel Martin Peniche join forces to explore the underside of Los Angeles and set the stage for several major elements of the Hexagon Universe yet to come.
7x10 squarebound comic, 104 pages color
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-874-2. US$26.95 - GBP 19.99