Stage/Screen Plays
Arsene Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play
Victor Darlay & Henri de Gorsse / Frank Morlock
August 2005
Frankenstein Meets The Hunchback of Notre-Dame: Two Stage Plays
Charles Nodier, Antoine Beraud & J Toussaint Merle / Victor Hugo, Paul Foucher & Paul Meurice / Frank Morlock
June 2005
Lord Ruthven the Vampyre
John W Polidori / Charles Nodier / Eugene Scribe / Frank Morlock
October 2004
Sherlock Holmes vs Fantomas (Stage Play)
Pierre de Wattyne & Yorrill Walter / Frank Morlock
February 2009
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper (Stage Play)
Gaston Marot & Louis Péricaud / Frank Morlock
October 2011