- Paul Adam: short story: The Supreme Progress (2011), The Humanisphere (2016)
- Marc Agapit: source material: Despair (2004)
- Jason Scott Aiken: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Gustave Aimard: The Adventures of Bearcub Ironskull
- Alevy: stage play: Cheri-Bibi (2008)
- Daniel AlhadefTales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018)
- Adolphe Alhaiza: Cybele: An Extraordinary Voyage Into the Future (2013)
- Marcel Allain: The Daughter of Fantômas (2006), The Death of Fantômas (2017); source material: Fantômas in America (2006), Nick Carter vs. Fantômas (2007), Sherlock Holmes vs Fantômas (2009)
- Alphonse Allais: novel: The Adventures of Captain Cap (2013); short story: The Germans on Venus (2009), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Henri Allorge: novels: The Great Cataclysm (2011)
- Joseph Altairac: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Tim Newton Anderson: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois: stage play: Rocambole (2006)
- Anonymous: short story: The New Moon (2015), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Jean-Michel Archaimbault: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), Chevalier Coqdor vs The Zodiac (2024)
- Paul Arène: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Guy d'Armen: novel: Doc Ardan: City of Gold and Lepers (2004), Doc Ardan: The Trogolodytes of Mount Everest + The Giants of Black Lake (2016), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Doc Ardan: The Fall of Inramonda (2020), Doc Ardan: The Hurricane Master + The Secret of Frigidopolis (2024) - French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- G.J. Arnaud: novel: The Ice Company (2010)
- Edwin Arnold: source material: Edgar Allan Poe on Mars: The Further Memoirs of Gullivar Jones (2007)
- André Arnyvelde: novel: The Ark (2015), The Mutilated Bacchus (2015), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Charles Asselineau: novel: The Double Life (2012)
- Alfred Assolant: short story: The Man With the Blue Face (2015)
- Marie Catherine d'Aulnoy: Tales of the Fays 1 (2019), Tales of the Fays 2 (2019); short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Henri Austruy: novel: The Eupantophone (2014), The Petitpaon Era (2014), The Olotelepan (2014)
- Pierre-Simon Ballanche: short story: Investigations of the Future (2012)
- Honoré de Balzac: novel: The Last Fay (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016)
- Théodore de Banville: Magical Tales (2021); story: Fays of the Sea (2021), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- Charles Barbara: Automata (2020)
- Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve: The Naiads * Beauty and the Beast (2017)
- Barillet-Lagargousse: novel: The Final War (2014)
- Mike Baron: screenplay: The Iron Triangle (2004); foreword: Starlock (2009)
- Roberto Lionel Barreiro: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011)
- Charles Baudelaire: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Louis Baudry de Saunier: short stories: Engineer Von Satanas (2015)
- Matthew Baugh: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018); Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023); Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024); adaptation: Hexagon: Dark Matter (2013)
- Henri Bé: short story: The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015)
- André Beaunier: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Cyprien Bérard: novel: The Vampire Lord Ruthwen (2011), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Antoine Béraud: stage play: Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame (2005)
- Ruth Berman: translation: Trilby * The Crumb Fairy (2015), Tales of King Cambrinus (2023), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Catherine Bernard: The Queen of the Fays (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Arthur Bernède: Judex Belphegor, the Phantom of the LouvreThe Return of Judex (2013); source material: Judex (The Screenplay)The Shadow of Judex (2013)
- S. Henry Berthoud: Martyrs of Science (2013), The Angel Asrael (2017), William's Angel (2019); The World Above the World (2011), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2); Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Adrien Bertrand: short story: Engineer Von Satanas (2015)
- Aloysius Bertrand: Gaspard de la Nuit (2004); Gaspard de la Nuit Hardcover Collector's Edition (2004)
- Richard Bessière: The Gardens of the Apocalypse + The Seven Rings of Rhea (2013); The Masters of Silence + They Came from the Dark (2014)
- Bethune (Chevalier de): The World of Mercury (2015); short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- G. Bethuys: short story: Nemoville (2012), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Atom Mudman Bezecny: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Raoul Bigot: On the Brink of the World's End (2016), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Pierre Billaume: Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Stephen R. Bissette: editor, non-fiction: Green Mountain Cinema (2004); writer, non fiction: Blur 1; Blur 2; Blur 3; Blur 4; Blur 5; Teen Angels & New Mutants (2011), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Alexandre Bisson: Nick Carter vs. Fantômas (2007)
- May Armand Blanc: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- André Blandin: Timeslip Troopers (2012)
- André Bleunard: Ever Smaller (2011)
- Felix Bodin: The Novel of the Future (2008), Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Pierre Boitard: novel: Journey to the Sun (2016)
- Alfred Bonnardot: Nemoville (2012)
- Pierre Bordage: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Thierry Bosch:: short story Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018)
- Anthony Boucher: The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012)
- Jacques Boucher de Perthes: The Nickel Man (2016), Automata (2020)
- Guillaume-Hyacinthe Bougéant: Funestine (2018)
- Hervé Bourgade: Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Louis Boussenard: Monsieur Synthesis (2013)
- Frédéric Boutet: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019), Automata (2020), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Nicolas Boving: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016)
- Thom Brannan: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2010), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), The Shadow of Judex (2013), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Pierre Brémond: short stories: The Nickel Man (2016)
- Francis Brenet: Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Nicolas Bricaire de Dixmérie: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- David Brin: foreword: The Night Orchid (2004)
- Alphonse Brown: novels: City of Glass (2011), The Conquest of the Air (2013); short stories: Nemoville (2012), The Conqueror of Death (2013)
- Emma Bull: screenplays: Nightspeeder (2004), War for the Oaks (2004)
- Cédric Burgaud: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Lord Byron: short stories: Lord Ruthven the Vampire (2004)
- Nathan Cabaniss: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Emile Calvet: novel: In A Thousand Years (2013)
- Richard Canal: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Alfred Capus: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Anthony R. Cardno: short story:Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015)
- Christopher Paul Carey: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016)
- André Caroff: novels: 1 The Terror of Madame Atomos (2010) - 2 Miss Atomos (2011), 3 The Return of Madame Atomos (2011), 4 The Mistake of Madame Atomos (2012) - 5 The Monsters of Madame Atomos (2012) - 6 The Revenge of Madame Atomos (2012) - 7 The Resurrection of Madame Atomos (2013) - 8 The Mark of Madame Atomos (2013) - 9 The Spheres of Madame Atomos (2014); source material: 10 The Wrath of Madame Atomos (2014), The Sins of Madame Atomos (2017) - French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023)
- Jean Carrere: The End of Atlantis (2017)
- Alfredo Castelli: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Charlotte-Rose Caumont de La Force: The Land of Delights (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Louise Cavelier: story: The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Philippe de Caylus: The Impossible Enchantment (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- H. Chabrillat: novel: Around the World on Five Sous (2015)
- Nelly Chadour: novel: Sibilla: Deadly Circles (2020; short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Louis Champeaux: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Félicien Champsaur: novel: The Human Arrow (2011), Ouha, King of the Apes (2012), Pharaoh's Wife (2013), Homo-Deus (2014), Nora, The Ape-Woman (2015), The Alluring (2019)
- J.S. Charthes: adaptation The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- C.J. Cherryh: adaptation: The Green Gods (2010), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Manuella Chevalier: adaptation: The League of Heroes (2005)
- Didier de Chousy: novel: Ignis: The Central Fire (2009), Automata (2020)
- Chrétien de Troyes: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Sal Ciano: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023) (w/Pete Rawlik)
- Jules Clarétie: novel: Obsession (2013)
- Fabien Clavel: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Christophe Colin: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015)
- Fabrice Colin: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Jacques Collin de Plancy: novel: Voyage to the Center of the Earth (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Paul Combes: short stories: The Conqueror of Death (2013)
- Adian Cole: foreword: Exquisite Pandora (2020)
- Anthony Combrexelle: story: Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- W.W. Comfort: translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Victor Considerant: short stories: The Humanisphere (2016)
- Gerry Conway: screenplay: Doc Dynamo (2005); foreword: Phenix (2006)
- Nina Cooper: adaptations: Monsieur Lecoq (2009), The Adventures of Miss Boston (2012), The Adventures of Therese Arnaud (2013), The Adventures of Ethel King (2014), The Casebook of Monsieur Lecoq (2016), The Secret Bureau 1 (2016), The Secret Bureau 2: The Brothers of Death (2017), Two Crimes (2017), The Adventures of Marius Pegomas, Marseille Detective (2017), The Secret Bureau 3: The Bloodied Girl (2017), The Secret Bureau 4: The Marquis de Lupiano (2018), The She-Wolf (2020), Barry Barrison, Ghost Detective: The Tarford Inheritance (2021), Doctor Mystery (2022), The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 1) (introduction) (2025)
- Michel Corday: novel: The Eternal Flame (2013); short stories: The World Above the World (2011), The Lynx (2016), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024)
- Barbara Cordier: Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- André Couvreur: novel: The Necessary Evil (2014), Caresco Superman (2014), The Exploits of Professor Tornada 1, The Exploits of Professor Tornada 2, The Exploits of Professor Tornada 3 (2014), The Lynx (2016), Human Seed (2019), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024)
- Charles-Antoine Coypel: story: The Origin of the Fays (2019)
- Francis de Croisset: short story: The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012)
- Charles Cros: short story: The Supreme Progress (2011), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- Bill Cunningham: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Sheryl Curtis: adaptations: The Night Orchid (2004), The Thieves of Silence (2009), The Death of Fantômas (2017), Outre-Blanc (2018), Growling Into the Abyss (2022), Blood Light (2023), Paranamanco (2023), Mortefontaine (2023), The Shores of Night (2024)
- Lucien Dabril: stage play: Rocambole (2006)
- Captain Danrit: novel: Undersea Odyssey (2011)
- Gaston Danville: The Perfume of Lust (2016), Double-Head (2020), short stories: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Victor Darlay: stage play: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play (2005)
- François Darnaudet: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Robert Darvel: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- Alphonse Daudet: short stories: The World Above the World (2011)
- Léon Daudet: short story: The Nickel Man (2016), Automata (2020)
- John Davey: short stories: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Camille Debans: novel: The Misfortunes of John Bull (2015); short stories: The Conqueror of Death (2013), The Man With the Blue Face (2015), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- L. Sprague De Camp: source material: Rivers of Time (2005)
- C.I. Defontenay: novel: Star (Psi Cassiopea) (2007), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Joseph Dejacque: short stories: The Humanisphere (2016)
- Lucie Delarue-Mardrus: Weird Fiction in France (2020), Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Emilio Del Castillo: Sherlock Holmes, Fantomas, Lupin, Raffles and More (2017)
- Henri Delmotte: short story: The New Moon (2015)
- Matthew Dennion: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Charles Derennes: novel: The People of the Pole (2008)
- Gaston Derys. Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Charles Deslys: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Charles Deulin. Tales of King Cambrinus (2023)
- Terrance Dicks: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005); foreword: Doctor Omega (2003), Doctor Omega Collector's Edition (2003)
- Harry Dickson: short stories: Harry Dickson and the Heir of Dracula (2009), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Harry Dickson vs. Mysteras (2021); Harry Dickson vs. Krik-Krok, The Walking Dead (2022); source material: Harry Dickson & The Werewolf of Rutherford Grange (2011), Harry Dickson: The Man in Grey (2016), Harry Dickson vs Tenebras (2018) , French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Paul Di Filippo: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023); foreword: The Thieves of Silence (2009)
- Comtesse D.L.: The Tyranny of the Fays Abolished (2018)
- Georges T. Dodds: adaptations: To-Ho and the Gold Destroyers (2010), The Missing Link (2011)
- Charles Dodeman: novel: The Silent Bomb (2014)
- Emile Dodillon: short story: The Missing Link (2011)
- Jules Dornay: stage play: Lord Ruthven Begins (2010), Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020)
- Alfred Driou: novels: The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut (2012)
- Charles Duclos: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Séamas Duffy: novel: Sherlock Holmes in Paris (2013)
- Jacques-Antoine Dulaure: short stories: On the Brink of the World's End (2016)
- Odette Dulac: novel: The War of the Sexes (2015)
- Alexandre Dumas: The Man Who Married a Mermaid (w/Paul Lacroix) (2017); stage play: The Return of Lord Ruthven (2004)
- Renée Dunan: novels: Baal / The Devil's Lovers (2011), The Ultimate Pleasure (2015)
- Jean-Claude Dunyach: short stories collection: The Night Orchid (2004), The Thieves of Silence (2009), Paranamanco (2023)
- Catherine Durand: story: The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Henri Duvernois: novel: The Man Who Found Himself (2010)
- Win Scott Eckert: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016); non-fiction: Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World 1, Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World 2 (2010), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- George Eekhoudt: short story: News from the Moon (2007). French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024)
- Will Eisner: forewords: Royal Flush (2004), Wampus (2005)
- Steve Englehart: screenplay: Majorca (2004)
- Charles Epheyre: short story: The Supreme Progress (2011), On the Brink of the World's End (2016)
- Michel Epuy: short story: The Revolt of the Machines (2014)
- Erckmann-Chatrian: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- George Eshenfelder: source material: Fantômas in America (2007)
- Georges Espitallier: short story: The Nickel Man (2016), French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023)
- Comte de L'Estoille: The Miller of Carnac (2020); The Song of the Skylark (2020), Argentine (2020'; story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Viviane Etrivert: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012)
- Achille Eyraud: novels: Voyage to Venus (2011)
- Jacques Fabien: short story: The Aerial Valley (2015)
- Marie-Antoinette Fagnan: The Enchanter's Mirror (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Henri Falk: novels: The Age of Lead (2010), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022), French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023)
- Marianne-Agnes Falques: story: The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Willy Favre: story: Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- François Fénelon: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016), The Queen of the Fays (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Louis Feuillade: novel: Judex (2012), The Return of Judex (2013); source material: Judex (The Screenplay) (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2014)
- Paul Féval: novels: Anne of the Isles (2007), Bel Demonio (2018), The Black Coats: 'Salem Street (2005), The Invisible Weapon (2006), The Parisian Jungle (2008), The Companions of the Treasure (2008), Heart of Steel (2010), The Cadet Gang (2010), The Sword Swallower (2011), The Companions of the Silence (2018), John Devil (2005), Knightshade (2003), Revenants (2006), Vampire City (2003), The Vampire Countess (2003), The Wandering Jew's Daughter (2005), The White Wolf (2019), The She-Wolf (2020), The Hunchback (2021); stories: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016); stage plays: Gentlemen of the Night & Captain Phantom (2007); short stories: Weird Fiction in France (2020); source material: The Shadow of Frankenstein (2008), Frankenstein and the Vampire Countess (2009), Frankenstein in London (2011), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Paul Féval, Fils: novel: Felifax (2007), all with Henri-Jeanne Magog: The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 1) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 2) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 3) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 4) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 5) (2020), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 2) (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- Charles de Fieux, Chevalier de Mouhy: novels: Lamekis (2011), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Camille Flammarion: short stories: The World Above the World (2011)
- Gustave Flaubert: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Fernand Fleuret: novel: Jim Click (2015)
- Charles-Marie Flor O'Squarr: Phantoms (2017)
- Jean-Claude Forest: The Illustrated Shambleau (2023); Baby Cyanide (2023)
- Louis Forest: novel: Someone is Stealing Children in Paris (2014), The Incredible Adventure (2019)
- Xavier Forneret: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Fortuné du Boisgobey: Two Crimes (2017)
- Paul Foucher: stage play: Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame (2005)
- Victor Fournel: short story: Investigations of the Future (2012)
- Amaury Fourtet: story: Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- Anatole France: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Alfred Franklin: short story: Investigations of the Future (2012), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Jacques Fréhel: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Franco Frescura: comics: Wampus (2005), CLASH (2006)
- David Friend: Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Peter Gabbani: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016)
- Emile Gaboriau: novels: Monsieur Lecoq (2009), The Casebook of Monsieur Lecoq (2016)
- Neil Gaiman: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Brian Gallagher: The Return of Captain Vampire (2020); Dr. Cornelius vs Countess Petrovksa (2024); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- John Gallagher: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023) (illustration)
- Antoine Galland: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Louis Gallet: short story: The Nickel Man (2016), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Arnould Galopin: novels: Doctor Omega (2003), Doctor Omega Collector's Edition (2003); source material: Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024);; short story: The Man With the Blue Face (2015), Harry Dickson: The Man in Grey (2016), Harry Dickson: Tenebras (2016), French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023)
- Martin Gately: The New Exploits of Joseph Roul;etabille (2020), Exquisite Pandora (2020); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Henry Gauthier-Villars: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Emile Gautier: novels: Spawn of the Penitentiary (2013); short stories: The Conqueror of Death (2013)
- Judith Gautier: short story collection: Isoline and the Serpent-Flower (2013), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Theophile Gautier: short story: Investigations of the Future (2012), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- H. Gayar: novels: The Marvelous Adventures of Serge Myrandhal on Mars (2014)
- Gustave Geffroy: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Stuart Gelzer: translations: The Hunchback (2021), Harry Dickson vs. Mysteras (2021), Miss Musketeer (2022); Harry Dickson vs. Krik-Krok, The Walking Dead (2022), Queen of Illusions (2023); The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 1) (2025); The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 2) (2025); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Stéphanie de Genlis: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Louis Geoffroy: The Apocryphal Napoleon (2016)
- Pierre-Barthélemy Gheusi: novels: The Last Days of Atlantis (2015), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Joseph Gibson: Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019)
- G.L. Gick: novel: Harry Dickson and the Werewolf of Rutherford Grange (2011); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011)
- Lex Gil: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Peter B. Gillis: foreword: Jaydee (2009)
- Delphine de Girardin: novel: Balzac's Cane (2010), story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Fernand Giraudeau: short stories: The Humanisphere (2016)
- Pierre-François Godard de Beauchamps: Funestine (2018)
- Emmanuel Gorlier: novel: The Nyctalope and The Tower of Babel (2018); short stories: Enter the Nyctalope (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014)
- Goron: novels: Spawn of the Penitentiary (2013)
- Henry de Gorsse: stage play: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play (2005)
- Emile Goudeau: short story: The Revolt of the Machines (2014), Automata (2020)
- Remy de Gourmont: short story: The Germans on Venus (2009), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Léon Gozlan: novels: The Vampire of the Val-de-Grace (2012), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 2) (2024)
- Henry de Graffigny: novels: The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 1, The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 2 (2009)
- Pierre Grasset. Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Enrique Grimau del Mauro: Sherlock Holmes, Fantomas, Lupin, Raffles and More (2017)
- Georges Grison: non-fiction: The Heads That Fell in Paris (2016)
- Jules Gros: novels: The Fossil Man (2015)
- Paul Gsell: The Man Who Could Read MInds (2019), The Incredible Adventure (2019), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- Jimmy Guieu: novels: The Polarian-Denebian War 1 (2016), The Polarian-Denebian War 2 (2016)
- Gustave Guitton: novels: The Dominion of the World 1, The Dominion of the World 2, The Dominion of the World 3, The Dominion of the World 4 (2012), short story: Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Charles Guyon: short story: The Man With the Blue Face (2015)
- Léo d'Hampol: short story: The Missing Link (2011)
- Edmond Haraucourt: novels: Illusions of Immortality (2012), Daâh, The First Human (2014), Dieudonat (2018); short story: The Bald Giants (2020), French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024)
- Micah Harris: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014) (with Loston Wallace), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Tepthida Hay: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020)
- Lafcadio Hearn: adaptation The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Pierre Hégine. Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Johan Heliot: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Janis Hendler: screenplay adaptation: Rivers of Time (2005)
- Nathalie Henneberg: novel: The Green Gods (2010), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Eugène Hennebert: novel: The Enchanted City (2014)
- G. Freeman Henry: adaptation: The Heads That Fell in Paris (2016)
- P.-J. Hérault: novel: The Clone Rebellion (2015)
- Ernest d'Hervilly: short story: The Man With the Blue Face (2015)
- Julien Heylbroeck: short stories: The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (story) (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (story) (2021)
- Travis Hiltz: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Robin Hobb: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Jules Hoche: novel: The Maker of Men and his Formula (2015); short stories: On the Brink of the World's End (2016), The Bad Dream (2019); short stories: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Riley Hogan: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Arsène Houssaye: short story: Investigations of the Future (2012)
- Joel Houssin: source material: City (2012)
- James Hudnall: screenplay: The Devastator (2005)
- Paul Hugli: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Victor Hugo: stage play: Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame (2005); short story: The Aerial Valley (2015)
- Romain d'Huissier: novel: Hexagon #1: Dark Matter (2013); Hexagon #2: War of the Immortals (2021); short story: The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (anthologist + story) (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (story) (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (anthologist + story) (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (anthologist) (2022)
- Eduard Laboulaye: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Emma-Adèle Lacerte: novella: Nemoville (2012)
- Paul Lacroix: novel: Danse Macabre (2013), The Man Who Married a Mermaid (w/Alexandre Dumas) (2017)
- Raphael Lafarge: story: Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- Louis-Guillaume de La Follie: novel: The Unpretentious Philosopher (2012)
- Georges de La Fouchardière: short story: The Mirror of Present Events (2016)
- Jean de La Hire: novel: The Nyctalope vs. Lucifer (2007), The Nyctalope on Mars (2008), Enter the Nyctalope (2009), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), The King of the Night in Return of the Nyctalope (2013), The Fiery Wheel (2013), The Cross of Blood in The Nyctalope and The Tower of Babel (2018), The Nyctalope and The Master of Life (2022), The Nyctalope vs. The Antichrist (2024)
- Rick Lai: novel: Shadows of the Opera: Retribution in Blood (2013), Sisters of the Shadows: The Cagliostro Curse (2013); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015); adaptation: Judex (2012), The Return of Judex (2013); Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023); afterwords: Monsieur Lecoq (2009)
- Jean-Pierre Laigle: Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019)
- Jean-Marc Lainé: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021)
- K.A. Laity: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Charles Lamb: translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Joseph Lamere: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011)
- Etienne-Léon de Lamothe-Langon: novels: The Virgin Vampire (2011), The Mysterious Hermit of the Tomb (2018), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 2) (2024)
- John Lane (Mrs): translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016)
- Andrew Lang: translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Henri Lanos: short stories: The World Above the World (2011), The Mirror of Present Events (2016)
- Jean-Guillaume Lanuque: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018)
- E.M. Laumann: short story: The Man With the Blue Face (2015), The Mirror of Present Events (2016)
- André Laurie: novel: Spiridon (2010)
- Gabriel de Lautrec: novels: Vengeance of the Oval Portrait (2011), The Sacred Fire (2019); short stories: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Julie Lavergne: Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Frederick Lawton: adaptation: Undersea Odyssey (2011)
- Bernard Lazare: short story: The Man With the Blue Face (2015)
- Steve Leadley: novel: Sherlock Holmes and The Circle of Blood (2009)
- Roman Leary: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Enter the Nyctalope (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Maurice Leblanc: novels: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Hollow Needle (2004), Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Blonde Phantom (2005), Arsène Lupin vs Countess Cagliostro (2010), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Arsène Lupin: The Island of the Thirty Coffins (2014), Arsène Lupin: 813 (2015), The THree Eyes in French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022); source material: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play (2005)
- Alexis-Jean Le Bret: short story: The New Moon (2015)
- Alain le Bussy: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012)
- Alain Le Drimeur: novels: The Future City (2012)
- Stan Lee: foreword: CLASH (2006)
- Georges Le Faure: novels: The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 1, The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 2 (2009)
- Claude J. Legrand: comics: Kabur (2007), Starlock (2009)
- Olivier Legrand: short stories: Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013)
- Serge Lehman: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011)
- Francis le Lapin: The Secret Files of Donald J. Trump (2020)
- Françoise Le Marchand: Florine and Boca (2018)
- Louis Lemercier de Neuville. Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
- Vincent Lenga: Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- François Léonard. The Incredible Adventure (2019)
- Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Jules Lermina: novels: Panic in Paris (2009), To-Ho and the Gold Destroyers (2010), Mysteryville (2010), The Secret of Zippelius (2011), The Battle of Strasbourg (2014); short story: The Germans on Venus (2009), Weird Fiction in France (2020), French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024)
- Gustave Le Rouge: novel: The Vampires of Mars (2008), The Dominion of the World 1, The Dominion of the World 2, The Dominion of the World 3, The Dominion of the World 4 (2012), The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 1, The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 2, The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 3 (2014), French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023)
- Gaston Leroux: novel: The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Rouletabille and the Mystery of the Yellow Room (2009), Rouletabille at Krupp's (2013), The Bride of the Sun (2021); source material: Cheri-Bibi (2008)
- Grégoire Le Roy: short story: The Missing Link (2011)
- Maurice Level: The Gates of Hell (2017)
- Sean Lee Levin: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Marie-Jeanne L'Héritier de Villandon: The Robe of Sincerity (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- André Lichtenberger: novels: The Centaurs (2013), The Children of the Crab (2013), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Maurice Limat: novels: Mephista (2015), Chevalier Coqdor vs The Zodiac (2024)
- Catherine de Lintot: Funestine (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Monsieur de Listonai: novel: The Philosophical Voyager (2015)
- Guillaume Livet: stage play: Nick Carter vs. Fantômas (2007)
- Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier: novels: Edgar Allan Poe on Mars (2007), The Katrina Protocol (2008), Return of the Nyctalope (2013), Chevalier Coqdor vs The Zodiac (2024)
- short story collections: Pacifica 1 (2010), Pacifica 2 (2016);
- non-fiction: Shadowmen 1 (2003), Shadowmen 2 (2004), Over Here (2006); The Handbook of French Science Fiction (2022); The Handbook of French Fantasy & Supernatural Fiction (2022); The Handbook of French Fantastic Cnema (2023); The Handbook of French Fantastic Radio & Television (2023)
- screenplays: Despair (2004), Royal Flush (2004), City (2012);
- children's books: Robonocchio en Français (2004), Robonocchio en Español (2004);
- artbook: If Your Possum Go Daylight... (2009);
- comics: Baby Cyanide (2023); Bob Lance #1-#3 (adaptation only) (2014); Captain Ukraine (2022); CLASH (adaptation only) (2006); Dick Demon (2019); Dragut/Scarlet Lips (2019); The Enchanters; The Frontiersmen/Codename Glory (2020); Galaor (2019); Guardian of the Republic #1 (adaptation only) (2014); Guardian of the Republic/Barbarella (2019); Guardian of the Republic/Count St.Germain/John Mist; Guardian of the Republic/Count St.Germain/Scarlet Lips; Guardian of the Republic/Dr. Omega; Guardian of the Republic/Dragut/Scarlet Lips/Time Brigade (2019); Guardian of the Republic/Kit Kappa/Night Prince; Guardian of the Republic/Phenix (2020); Guardian of the Republic/Zembla/Ozark/Morgane; Gun Gallon (2020); Hexagon Group #1-#2 (2020); Hexagon Comics: The First 70 Years! (2019); Kabur #1-#4 (2006); Kabur/Zembla (2021); Kidz (2019); Kit Kappa (adaptation only); The Lords of the Depths #1-#3 (adaptation only); The Lunatic Legion (2019); Morgane (2020); The Partisans #1-#2 (2018); Phenix #1 (2006); Phenix/Sibilla; Scarlet Lips (2018); Starlock/JHomicron; Starpuck; Strangers Origins: Homicron (2008); Strangers Origins: Jaydee (2009); Strangers Origins: Starlock (2009); Strangers Origins: Jaleb (adaptation only); Strangers 0: Omens & Origins (2015); Strangers 1: Strangers in a Strange Land (2014); Strangers 2: Of Blood and Fire (2019); Stangers 3: Of Gods and Men (2019); Strangers 4: The Coming of Starcyb (2020); Strangers #5; Strangers #6, Strangers #7; Strangers #8; Strangers #9; Tales of the Hexagonverse; Tales of the Twilight People: Dr. Despair (2015); Tiger and The Eye (2017); The Time Brigade: The Grail Wars (2017); The Time Brigade #1 (adaptation only); Wampus #1 -#2 (adaptation only) (2005); Wampus #3; Zembla #1 (adaptation only) (2007).
- adaptations: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Hollow Needle (2004), Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Blonde Phantom (2005), Arsène Lupin vs Countess Cagliostro (2010), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Arsène Lupin: The Island of the Thirty Coffins (2014), Arsène Lupin: 813 (2015), Bel Demonio (2018), Belphegor, the Phantom of the Louvre (2012), Chronolysis (short story) (2010), Doc Ardan: City of Gold and Lepers (2004), Doc Ardan: The Troglodytes of Mount Everest (2016), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Doctor Omega (2003), Doctor Omega Collector's Edition (2003), Harry Dickson and the Heir of Dracula (2009), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Harry Dickson: The Man in Grey (2016), The Ice Company (2010), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Rouletabille and the Mystery of the Yellow Room (2009), The White Wolf (2019), Doc Ardan: The Fall of Inramonda (2020), The Bride of the Sun (2021), Barry Barrison, Ghost Detective: The Tarford Inheritance (2021), Hexagon #2: War of the Immortals (2021), The Adventures of Bearcub Ironskull (2024)
- short stories & anthologies: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Hollow Needle (2004), Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Blonde Phantom (2005), Arsène Lupin vs Countess Cagliostro (2010), The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008),Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009)Enter the Nyctalope (2009)Rouletabille and the Mystery of the Yellow Room (2009Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (201Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (201Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (201The Nyctalope Steps In (20Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (20The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (20Night of the Nyctalope (Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (The Shadow of Judex Tales of the Shadowmen 10 Arsène Lupin: The Island of the Thirty Coffins Arsène Lupin: 813Doc Ardan: The Trogolodytes of Mount Everest (2016), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016); Tales of the Shadowmen 1Tales of the Shadowmen 2Tales of the Shadowmen 3Tales of the Shadowmen 4Tales of the Shadowmen 5Tales of the Shadowmen 6Tales of the Shadowmen 7Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), The Nyctalope Steps InTales of the Shadowmen 8The Many Faces of Arsène LupinNight of the NyctalopeTales of the Shadowmen 9The Shadow of JudexTales of the Shadowmen 10Tales of the Shadowmen 11The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1)The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 2)Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral TrailTales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016) , The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024), French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Maurice Loir: The Final War (2014)
- Charles Lomon: The Last Days of Atlantis (2015), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Sullivan Lord: Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Patrick Lorin: Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013)
- Jean Lorrain: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019), Weird Fiction in France (2020), Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Marie-Madeleine de Lubert: Princess Camion (2018), story: The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Tim Lucas: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- David McDonald: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- David McDonnell: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011)
- Rod McFadyen: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- David A. McIntee: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Henri-Jeanne Magog: The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 1) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 2) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 3) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 4) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 5) (2020) (all with Paul Féval, fils)
- Maurice Magre: The Marvelous Story of Claire d'Amour (2017), The Call of the Beast (2017), Priscilla of Alexandria (2017), The Angel of Lust (2017), The Mystery of the Tiger (2017), The Poison of Goa (2017), Lucifer (2017), The Blood of Toulouse (2017), The Albigensian Treasure (2017), Jean de Fodoas (2017), Melusine (2018), The Brothers of the Virgin Gold (2018)
- Paul Magrs: foreword: Twenty Thousand Years Under the Sea (2020)
- Paul Mahalin: stage play: Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020)
- Chevalier de Mailly: The Queen of the Fays (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- René Maizeroy: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Charles Malato: Lost ! (2017)
- Nigel Malcolm: Tales of the Shadowmen 9Tales of the Shadowmen 10Harry Dickson vs. The SpiderTales of the Shadowmen 11Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Stéphane Mallarmé: short story: News from the Moon (2007)
- Claude Manceau: short stories: Nemoville (2012)
- Paul Margueritte: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Victor Margueritte: novels: The Bacheloress, The Companion, The Couple (2014)
- Marie de France: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Gaston Marot: stage play; Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper (2011)
- Richard Marsh: novel: The Complete Adventures of Judith Lee (2012)
- Jose Maria Martin de Eugenio: Sherlock Holmes, Fantomas, Lupin, Raffles and More (2017)
- Gustave Marx: short story: The Aerial Valley (2015)
- André Mas: short stories: The Germans on VenusThe World Above the World (2011)
- Eugene Mason: translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Camille Mauclair: novel: The Virgin Orient (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016)
- Xavier Mauméjean: The League of Heroes (2005); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 2 Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023); source material: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), The Katrina Protocol (2007)
- Guy de Maupassant: short stories: News from the Moon (2007), Weird Fiction in France (2020), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- William Patrick Maynard: novels: The Terror of Fu Manchu (2010), The Terror of Fu Manchu Hardcover Collector's Edition (2010), The Destiny of Fu Manchu (20`12), The Destiny of Fu Manchu Hardcover Collector's Edition (2012); short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023) (with Anna Victoria Maynard)
- Catulle Mendes. The Little Fays in the Air (2019), The Exigent Shadow (2019), Don Juan in Paradise (2019), story: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019), Weird Fiction in France (2020), Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Brad Mengel: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011)
- Louis-Sébastien Mercier: short story: News from the Moon (2007), The Iron Man (2018), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Joseph Méry: novels: The Tower of Destiny (2012); short stories: On the Brink of the World's End (2016)
- René du Mesnil de Maricourt: short story: Nemoville (2012)
- Hippolyte Mettais: novel: The Year 5865 (2013); Paris Before the Deluge (2014), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Paul Meurice: stage play: Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame (2005)
- Louise Michel: novel: The Human Microbes (2012); The New World (2012)
- Victor-Emile Michelet: Superhuman Tales (2018)
- Pierre Mille: short stories: Nemoville (2012), The Bald Giants (2020)
- Sylvie Miller: The Song of Montsegur (2010); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006)
- L. Miral: novel. The Ring of Light (2018)
- Dr. Tony Moilin: novel: Paris in the Year 2000 (2013)
- André Monselet: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Maurice Montegut: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Xavier Montepin: stage play: Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020)
- Joseph Montet: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Michael Moorcock: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007); Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Catherine L. Moore: The Illustrated Shambleau (2023)
- Ghislain Morel: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Xian Moriarty: Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Frank J. Morlock: stage plays: Sherlock Holmes: The Grand Horizontals (2006); adaptations: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play - Cheri-Bibi - Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Gentlemen of the Night & Captain Phantom - Nick Carter vs. Fantômas - Lord Ruthven the Vampyre - The Return of Lord Ruthven - Lord Ruthven Begins - Rocambole - Sherlock Holmes vs Fantômas - Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper - Sherlock Holmes, Fantomas, Lupin, Raffles and More (2017); Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020); The Madwoman of Melun (2021); short stories: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play - Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Lord Ruthven the Vampyre - The Return of Lord Ruthven - Lord Ruthven Begins (2010), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- René Morot: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Arnold Mortier: Automata (2020)
- José Moselli: novels: Illa's End (2011); short story: Nemoville (2012), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- Jean-Baptiste Mosneron de Launay: short story: The Aerial Valley (2015)
- Peter Antony Motteux: translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- André Mouëzy-Eon: short story: The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012)
- Jean-Marc Mouiller: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015)
- Eugène Mouton: short story: News from the Moon - The Germans on Venus - The Supreme Progress (2011), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Louis Mullem: The Germans on Venus - The Supreme Progress (2011)
- Henriette-Julie de Murat: The Palace of Vengeance (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Fernand Mysor: The Murdered City (2018)
- Marcel Nadaud: stage play: Cheri-Bibi (2008)
- X. Nagrien: short story: The Revolt of the Machines (2014)
- Thomas Narcejac: short story: The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012)
- John-Antoine Nau: novel: Enemy Force (2010)
- Henri Ner: Automata (2020)
- Gérard de Nerval: novel: The Prince of Fools (2019); short stories: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Jess Nevins: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023); foreword: Nick Carter vs. Fantômas (2007), Crossovers 2 (2010)
- Kim Newman: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008); foreword: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Hollow Needle (2004); Crossovers 1 (2010); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Sharan Newman: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Eric Nieudan: stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021)
- Christofer Nigro: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), The Shadow of Judex (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Alex Nikolavitch: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020)
- Marie Nizet: novel: Captain Vampire (2007); The Return of Captain Vampire (inspired by; 2020), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Fernand Noat: short story: News from the Moon (2007)
- Charles Nodier: stage play: Lord Ruthven the Vampyre (2004); short stories: The Germans of Venus (2009), Trilby * The Crumb Fairy (2015), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016) , The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), Weird Fiction in France (2020), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- François-Félix Nogaret: short stories: The Mirror of Present Events (2016), Automata (2020)
- Pierre de Nolhac: short story: The Nickel Man (2016)
- Marie Palewska: Doctor Mystery (afterword) (2022)
- Andrew Paquette: screenplay: Peripheral Vision (2005)
- François-Auguste de Paradis de Moncrif: story: The Origin of the Fays (2019)
- Henri de Parville: novel: An Inhabitant from the Planet Mars (2008)
- C. Paulon: Nemoville (2012), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- Gaston de Pawlowski: novels: Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension (2009); short stories: The Revolt of the Machines (2010), The Man With the Blue Face (2015)
- Samuel T. Payne: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2004), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011)
- John Peel: Return to the Center of the Earth (2020), Twenty Thousand Years Under the Sea (2020); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2004), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Doc Ardan: The Fall of Inramonda (2020), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Georges Pellerin: The World in 2000 Years (2011)
- Pierre Pelot: The Child Who Walked on the Sky + What If the Butterflies Cheat? (2012)
- Neil Penswick: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Anthony Perconti: Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Louis Pericaud: stage play: Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper (2011), Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020)
- Ernest Pérochon: novels: The Frenetic People (2012)
- Charles Perrault: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Jules Perrin: short stories: The World Above the World (2011), The Revolt of the Machines (2014)
- Jean Petithuguenin: novels: The Adventures of Ethel King (2014), An International Mission to the Moon (2016)
- Georges de Peyrebrune: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Miren Pijuán Aragón: Spanish adaptation: Robonocchio en Español (2004)
- Philippe Pinon: Barry Barrison, Ghost Detective: The Tarford Inheritance (2021); stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021)
- Charles Pinot Duclos: story: The Origin of the Fays (2019)
- John William Polidori: novella: Lord Ruthven the Vampyre (2004)
- Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail: source material: Rocambole (2006); novel: The Vampire and the Devil's Son (2007), The Immortal Woman (2013), The Police Agent (2017), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- René de Pont-Jest: short stories: The World Above the World (2011)
- C. M. de Pougens: short story: The Missing Link (2011)
- Dennis E. Power: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), The Shadow of Judex (2013), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Fletcher Pratt: adaptation: Radio-Terror (2011)
- Jean de Préchac: The Queen of the Fays (2018), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Georges Price: The Missing Men of the Sirius (2015); short stories: The Conqueror of Death (2013)
- Gil Prou: novel: Outre-Blanc (w/Oksana) (2018), Growling Into the Abyss (w/Oksana) (2022)
- René Pujol: The Chimerical Quest (2016), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Rabelais: short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Charles Rabou: The Secret Bureau 1 (2016), The Brothers of Death (2017), The Bloodied Girl (2018), The Marquis de Lupiano (2018)
- Jean Rameau: short stories: The Mirror of Present Events (2016), Automata (2020); novel: Arrival in the Stars (2017)
- Pete Rawlik: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023) (w/Sal Ciano)
- Jean-Paul Raymond: short story: Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014) , Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022)
- Charles Recolin: short stories: The World Above the World (2011)
- Henri de Regnier: A Surfeit of Mirrors (2012), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016)
- Maurice Renard: novels: Doctor Lerne (2010), A Man Among the Microbes (2010), The Blue Peril (2010), The Doctored Man (2010), The Master of Light (2010); short stories: The Bald Giants (2020), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024)
- Antonin Reschal: The Adventures of Miss Boston (2012)
- Nicolas-Edmé Restif de la Bretonne: short stories: The Germans on Venus (2009); novels: Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man (2016), Posthumous Correspondence 1, Posthumous Correspondence 2, Posthumous Correspondence 3 (2016), The Story of the Great Prince Oribeau (2017), The Four Beauties and the Four Beasts (2017), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Joshua Reynolds: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- C. J. Richards: adaptation: The Mote in Time's Eye (2010), Starmasters (2018)
- Jean Richepin: novels: The Wing (2011), The Crazy Corner (2013); short story: News from the Moon (2007), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Pierrick Rival: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015)
- Jean-Luc Rivera: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Chris Roberson: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Adrien Robert: short story : News from the Moon (2008), The Germans on Venus (2009)
- Catherine Robert: short story: The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015)
- Albert Robida: novels: The Clock of the Centuries (2008), The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (2009). Chalet in the Sky (2010). Electric Life (2011), Engineer Von Satanas (2015), In 1965 (2018); short story: News from the Moon (2007)
- Leonce Robillon: translation: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Robert L. Robinson, Jr.: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), The Shadow of Judex (2013). The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023); screenplay: Judex (The Screenplay) (2012)
- Edouard Rod: short story: The Revolt of the Machines (2014), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024)
- Sax Rohmer: source material: The Terror of Fu Manchu (2011), The Destiny of Fu Manchu (2012)
- Marcel Roland: short story: The Missing Link (2011)
- Romain Rolland: Automata (2020)
- Steven A. Roman: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015)
- J.-H. Rosny Aîné: novels: The Navigators of Space (2010), The World of the Variants (2010), The Mysterious Force (2010), Vamireh (2010), The Givreuse Enigma (2010), The Young Vampire (2010), Helgvor of the Blue River (2010), Pan's Flute (2018); French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024)
- Dola Rosselet: short story: The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- Marcel Rouff: novel: Journey to the Inverted World (2011)
- Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert: novel: The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets (2015); short story: The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016)
- Edmé Rousseau: short story: The New Moon (2015), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau: short story: The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Léonie Rouzade: novel: The World Turned Upside Down (2014)
- Colonel Royet: short stories: On the Brink of the World's End (2016), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Han Ryner: novels: The Superhumans (2012), The Human Ant (2014), The Son of Silence (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Jules Sageret: The Revolt of the Machines (2014)
- X.B. Saintine: Jonathan the Visionary (2018), The Second Life (2018); short stories: The Germans on Venus (2010), The Supreme Progress (2011), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Henri de Saint-Georges: The Green Eyes (2017)
- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin: The Crocodile (2016)
- Blanche Saint-Roch: stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- George Sand: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Jules Sandeau: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Victorien Sardou: short stories: The Supreme Progress (2011)
- Léon Sazie: Zigomar (2019)
- Frank Schildiner: The Quest of Frankenstein (2015), The Triumph of Frankenstein (2017), The Spells of Frankenstein (2019), Napoleon's Vampire Hunters (2017), The Devil-Plague of Naples (2018), Irma Vep and the Great Brain of Mars (2019), The Land of Everlasting Gloom (2020), The Soul of Soroe (2021), The Sword of Argall (2022); short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- David J. Schow: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Ralph Schropp: short story: The Nickel Man (2016), Automata (2020)
- Edouard Schuré: The Angel and the Spinx (2019)
- Marcel Schwob: short story: The Germans on Venus (2009), Automata (2020), Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Eugène Scribe: stage play: Lord Ruthven the Vampyre (2004), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- Edward Sedgwick: source material: Fantômas in America (2007)
- Nicolas Segur: The Human Paradise (2017), Penelope's Secret (2018)
- Sophie Rostopchine, Comtesse de Ségur: Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
- Pierre de Sélène: novels: An Unknown World (2014)
- Norbert Sevestre: novels: Sâr Dubnotal vs. Jack the Ripper (2014), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015)
- Jessica Sequeira: adadptations: The Gates of Hell (2017), The Cross of Blood in The Nyctalope and The Tower of Babel (2018)
- Robert Sheckley: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005)
- Will Shetterly: screenplays: Nightspeeder (2004), War for the Oaks (2004)
- Stuart Shiffman: short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2010), Doctor Omega and the ShadowmenThe Nyctalope Steps In (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2014), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015)
- Sam Shook: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016)
- Michael Shreve: adaptations: Enemy Force (2008), Spiridon (2009), Lamekis (2010), Miss Atomos (2011), The Return of Madame Atomos (2011), The Mistake of Madame Atomos (2012), The Monsters of Madame Atomos (2012), The Child Who Walked on the Sky (2012), The Revenge of Madame Atomos (2012), The Resurrection of Madame Atomos (2013), The Mark of Madame Atomos (2014), The Spheres of Madame Atomos (2014), The Masters of Silence (2015), The Wrath of Madame Atomos (2015), The Clone Rebellion (2016), Mephista (2016), The Polarian-Denebian War 1 (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016), The Polarian-Denebian War 2 (2016), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), Lost! (2017), The Nyctalope and The Tower of Babel (2018), Zigomar (2019), Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Sibilla: Deadly Circles (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021), Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021), The Nyctalope and The Master of Life (2022), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022), The Improbables (2023), Kobor Tigan't (2023); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023), The Nyctalope vs. The Antichrist (2024), The Reign of Ta (2024), Doc Ardan: The Hurricane Master + The Secret of Frigidopolis (2024)
- Donald Sidney-Fryer: adaptations: Gaspard de la Nuit Gaspard de la Nuit Hardcover Collector's Edition (2004)
- Armand Silvestre: story: Fays of the Sea (2021)
- Bradley H. Sinor: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012)
- John Skipp: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- P.J. Sokolowski: adaptations: Star (Psi Cassiopeia) (2007), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), Starmasters (2018)
- Angelo de Sorr: novel: The Vampires of London (2014)
- Frédéric Soulié: The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 1) (2025), The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 2) (2025)
- Pierre Souvestre: novels: The Daughter of Fantômas (2006), The Death of Fantômas (2017); source material: Fantômas in America (2006), Nick Carter vs. Fantômas Sherlock Holmes vs Fantômas (2009)
- Jacques Spitz: novels: The Eye of Purgatory + Dr. Mops' Experiment (2010), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024)
- Maurice Spronck: short stories: Investigations of the Future (2012)
- Brian M. Stableford: novels: The Wayward Muse (2005), The Stones of Camelot (2006), The New Faust the Tragicomique (2007), The Shadow of Frankenstein (2008), Sherlock Holmes and the Vampires of Eternity (2009), Frankenstein and the Vampire Countess (2009), Frankenstein in London (2011), Euridyce's Lament (2015), The Mirror of Dionysus (2017), The Pool of Mnemosyne (2018), The Tyranny of the Word (2019), The Painter of Spirits (2019), The Quiet Dead (2019), Living with the Dead (2019)
- short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005), Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Tales of the Shadowwen 5 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015); Dr. Cornelius vs Countess Petrovksa (2024)
- non-fiction: The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds (2016); Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019); The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- anthologies: News from the Moon (2007), The Germans on Venus (2009), The Supreme Progress (2011), The World Above the World (2011), Nemoville (2012), Investigations of the Future (2012), The Conqueror of Death (2013), The Revolt of the Machines (2014), The Man With the Blue Face (2015), The Aerial Valley (2015), The New Moon (2015), The Nickel Man (2015), On the Brink of the World's End (2016), The Mirror of Present Events (2016), The Humanisphere (2016), Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018); The Queen of the Fays (2018), Funestine (2018), The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019), The Incredible Adventure (2019), Automata (2020), Weird Fiction in France (2020), The Bald Giants (2020). French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022), French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024), French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 2) (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- adaptations: The Adventures of Captain Cap (2010), The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut (2012), The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (2009), The Age of Lead (2010), Ahasuerus (2011), The Albigensian Treasure (2017), The Alluring (2019), Amilec (2009), The Angel Asrael (2017), The Angel of Lust (2017), The Angel and the Sphinx (2019),, Anne of the Isles (2007), The Apocryphal Napoleon (2017), Argentine (2020), The Ark (2015), Around the World on Five Sous (2015), Arrival in the Stars (2017), Astral Amour (2016), Baal/The Devil's Lovers (2010), The Bacheloress + The Companion + The Couple (2010), The Bad Dream (2019), Balzac's Cane (2010), The Battle of Strasbourg (2013), The Black Coats: 'Salem Street (2004), The Invisible Weapon (2005), The Parisian Jungle (2006), The Companions of the Treasure (2007), Heart of Steel (2008), The Cadet Gang (2009), The Sword Swallower (2009), The Blue Peril (2010), The Blood of Toulouse (2017), The Brothers of the Virgin Gold (2018), The Call of the Beast (2017), Captain Vampire (2007), Caresco Superman (2010), The Castaways of Eros (2009), The Centaurs (2010), Chalet in the Sky (2008), The Children of the Crab (2010), The Chimerical Quest (2016), City of Glass (2011), The Clock of the Centuries (2007), The Companions of the Silence (2018) The Conquest of the Air (2008), The Crazy Corner (2013), The Crocodile (2017), Cybele (2013), Daâh (2014), Danse Macabre (2013), Dieudonat (2018), Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man (2016), Doctor Lerne (2010), The Doctored Man (2010), The Dominion of the World 1, The Dominion of the World 2, The Dominion of the World 3, The Dominion of the World 4 (2012), Don Juan in Paradise (2019), Double-Head (2020), The Double Life (2012), Electric Life (2013), The Enchanted City (2014), The Enchanter Merlin (2014), The Enchanter's Mirror (2019), The End of Atlantis (2017), Engineer Von Satanas (2015), The Eternal Flame (2013), The Eupantophone (2014), Ever Smaller (2011), The Exigent Shadow (2019), The Exploits of Professor Tornada 1 + The Exploits of Professor Tornada 2 + The Exploits of Professor Tornada 3 (2014), The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 1 + The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 2 (2009), The Eye of Purgatory (2010), Fays of the Seas (2021), Felifax (2007), The Fiery Wheel (2013), The Final War (2014), Florine and Boca (2018), The Fossil Man (2015), The Four Beauties and the Four Beasts (2017), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016) , The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), The Frenetic People (2012), The Future City (2009), The Gardens of the Apocalypse (2009), The Givreuse Enigma (2010), The Golden Rock (2012), The Great Cataclysm (2011), The Green Eyes (2017), Harry Dickson: Tenebras (2016), Homo-Deus (2014), The Human Ant (2014), The Human Arrow (2012), The Human Microbes (2011), The Human Paradise (2017), Human Seed (2010, Ignis (2009), Illa's End (2011), Illusions of Immortality (2012), The Immortal Woman (2013), The Impossible Enchantment (2018), In 1965 (2018), In A Thousand Years (2013), The Incredible Adventure (2019), An Inhabitant from the Planet Mars (2008), An International Mission to the Moon (2016), The Iron Man (2018) Isoline and the Serpent-Flower (2013), Jean de Fodoas (2017), Jim Click (2015), John Devil (2005), Jonathan the Visionary (2018), Journey to the Inverted World (2011), Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension (2009), Journey to the Sun (2016), Knightshade (2003), The Land of Delights (2018), The Last Days of Atlantis (2015), The Last Fay (2016), The Little Fays in the Air (2019), Love in 5000 Years (2013), Lucifer (2017), The Lynx (2016), The Terror of Madame Atomos (2010), Magical Tales (2021), The Magnetized Corpse (2014), The Maker of Men and his Formula (2015), A Man Among the Microbes (2010), The Man Who Found Himself (2010), The Man Who Married a Mermaid (2017), Manhattan Ghost (2014), Marilyn in Manhattan (2018), The Martian Epic (2008), Martyrs of Science (2013), The Marvelous Adventures of Serge Myrandhal on Mars (2014), The Marvelous Story of Claire d'Amour (2017), The Master of Light (2010), Melusine (2018), The Merchants of Health (2015), Midnight!! (2021), The Miller of Carnac (2020), The Misfortunes of John Bull (2015), The Missing Men of the Sirius (2015), Monsieur Synthesis (2013), The Murdered City (2018), The Murderer of the World (2015), The Mutilated Bacchus (2015), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 1) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 2) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 3) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 4) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 5) (2020), The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 1, The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 2, The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 3 (2014), The Mysterious Fluid (2011), The Mysterious Force (2010), The Mysterious Hermit of the Tomb (2018), Mysteryville (2010), The Mystery of the Tiger (2017), The Naiads * Beauty and the Beast (2017), The Navigators of Space (2010), The Necessary Evil (2014), The New World (2012), Nora, The Ape-Woman (2015), The Novel of the Future (2008), The Nyctalope vs. Lucifer (2007), The Nyctalope on Mars (2008), Enter the Nyctalope (2009), The King of the Night in Return of the Nycctalope (2013), Obsession (2013), The Olotelepan (2014), Ortog (2010), Ouha, King of the Apes (2012), The Palace of Vengeance (2018), Pan's Flute (2018), Panic in Paris (2009), Paris Before the Deluge (2014), Paris in the Year 2000 (2013), Penelope's Secret (2018), The People of the Pole (2008), The Perfume of Lust (2016), The Petitpaon Era (2014), Phantoms (2017), Pharaoh's Wife (2013), The Philosophical Voyager (2015), The Poison of Goa (2017), The Police Agent (2017), Posthumous Correspondence 1, Posthumous Correspondence 2, Posthumous Correspondence 3 (2016), Prince Bonifacio (2013), The Prince of Fools (2019), Princess Camion (2018) Revenants (2006), The Ring of Light (2018), The Robe of Sincerity (2018), Rouletabille at Krupp's (2013), The Sacred Fire (2019), Sâr Dubnotal vs. Jack the Ripper (2009), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015), The Scaffold (2004), The Second Life (2018), The Second Life of Doctor Albin (2016), The Secret of Zippelius (2011), The Silent Bomb (2014), Singular Amours (2018), Someone is Stealing Children in Paris (2014), The Son of Silence (2016), The Song of Montsegur (2010), The Song of the Skylark (2020), Spawn of the Penitentiary (2013), The Story of the Great Prince Oribeau (2017), The Strange Voyages of Jacques Massé and Pierre de Mésange (2015), Superhuman Tales (2018), The Superhumans (2011), A Surfeit of Mirrors (2012), The Tale of Gold and Silence (2011), Tales of the Fays 1 (2019), Tales of the Fays 2 (2019), Timeslip Troopers (2012), The Tower of Destiny (2012), The Tyranny of the Fays Abolished (2018), The Ultimate Pleasure (2015), An Unknown World (2014) The Unpretentious Philosopher (2012), Vamireh (2010), Vampire City (2003), The Vampire Countess (2003), The Vampire and the Devil's Son (2007), The Vampire Lord Ruthwen (2011), The Vampire Soul (2004), The Vampire of the Val-de-Grace (2012), The Vampires of London (2014), The Vampires of Mars (2008), The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait (2011), The Virgin Orient (2016), The Virgin Vampire (2011), Voyage to the Center of the Earth (2016), Voyage to Venus (2011), The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets (2015), The Wandering Jew's Daughter (2005), The War of the Sexes (2015), William's Angel (2019),The Wing (2011), The World in 2000 Years (2011), The World of Mercury (2015), The World of the Variants (2010), The World Turned Upside Down (2014), The Xenobiotic Invasion (2011), The Year 5865 (2012), The Young Vampire (2010).
- John Stebbing: adaptation: Bel Demonio (w/Randy Lofficier) (2018)
- Mark P. Steele: adaptation: The Daughter of Fantômas (2006)
- Kurt Steiner: novel: Ortog (2010), Blood Light + A Shroud of Mist (2023), The Improbables + The 32nd of July (2023), Black Sheep + The Children of History (2023), Mortefontaine + The Threshold of the Void (2023), The Shores of Night + The Village of Lepers I(2024), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016)
- Michel Stephan & Sylvie Stephan: novel: The Wrath of Madame Atomos (2014), The Sins of Madame Atomos (2017); short story: Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018)
- Theodore Sturgeon: foreword: Chronolysis (2010)
- George Surdez: adaptation: Helgvor of the Blue River (2010)
- Chrstia Sylf: Kobor Tigan't (2023); The Reign of Ta (2024)
- Roger Vadim: foreword: The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015)
- Krystoff Valla: short stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Louis Valona: short story: The Revolt of the Machines (2014)
- Michel Vannereux: Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011)
- Théo Varlet: novels: The Martian Epic (2009), The Xenobiotic Invasion (2011), Timeslip Troopers (2012) The Golden Rock (2013), The Castaways of Eros (2013); The Germans on Venus (2009)
- Natacha Vas-Deyres: Paranamanco (foreword) (2023)
- Emerich de Vattel: short story: Nemoville (2012)
- Adrien Vély: The Bald Giants (2020)
- Jules Verne: French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023)
- Pierre Véron: stories: The Merchants of Health (2015), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
- Patrice Very: stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 2 (2021)
- Paul Vibert: The Mysterious Fluid (2011), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022)
- Nathalie Vidalinc: short stories: Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- A Viger: novel. The Ring of Light (2018)
- Claude Vignon: Midnight!! (2021)
- Olivier Vignot: stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021)
- Christian Vilà: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Jean-Hugues Villacampa: stories: Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021)
- Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam: The Scaffold (2004), The Vampire Soul (2004); short stories: Weird Fiction in France (2020), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- David L. Vineyard: Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2010), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), The Many Faces of Arsène Lupin (2012), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020); Tales of the Shadowmen 18 (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Heraclio S. Viteri: Sherlock Holmes, Fantomas, Lupin, Raffles and More (2017)
- Renée Vivien: Weird Fiction in France (2020)
- Ernest Vois: stage play: Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020)
- Régis Vombal: short stories: The Mirror of Present Events (2016)
- Gaston de Wailly: novel The Murderer of the World (2015), French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024)
- Yorril Walter: stage play Sherlock Holmes vs Fantômas (2009)
- Daniel Walther: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Rob Walton: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Pierre de Wattyne: stage play Sherlock Holmes vs Fantômas (2009)
- Philippe Ward : novels Artahe (2004), The Song of Montsegur (2010); Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), Manhattan Ghost (2014), Marilyn in Manhattan (2018)
- Lance Weiler: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Alan Weiss: short stories Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008)
- Ehrich Weiss: short story: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Jared Welch: short stories Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016)
- David White: Fantômas in America (2007)
- Tony White: Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017)
- Lady Whitehead: adaptation The Giant Feline in Helgvor of the Blue River (2010)
- Willy: novel Astral Amour (2016)
- Douglas E. Winter: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (essay) (2023)
- Marv Wolfman: foreword Homicron (2008), Scarlet Lips (2018)
- Hilary Barta: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Regino Bernad: cover: Cheri-Bibi (2008)
- Luciano Bernasconi: comics: Wampus (2005), Phenix (2006), Kabur Starlock (2009), Strangers 0 (2014); Bob Lance 1, Bob Lance 2 & Bob Lance 3 (2014); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Marije Berting: Growling Into the Abyss (2022)
- Aloysius Bertrand: illustrations:Gaspard de la Nuit (2004)
- Michelle Bigot: cover: The New Faust at the Tragicomique (2007); illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 5 (2008)
- Stephen R. Bissette: covers: Rivers of Time (2005), Wampus (2005), Blur 1 (2007), Blur 2 (2008), Blur 3 (2008), Blur 4 (2009), Panic in Paris (2009), Blur 5 (2009); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Vincent Biwer: The Pool of Mnemosyne (2018)
- Fernando Blanco: Strangers 1 (2014)
- Bret Blevins: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Mark Bodé: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Michel Borderie: cover: The Gardens of the Apocalypse (2010), The Enchanter Merlin (2014), The Virgin Orient (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 1) (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 2) (2016), The French Fantasy Treasury (Vol. 3) (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 13 (2016), Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (2017), The Miller of Carnac (2020), The She-Wolf (2020), The Song of the Skylark (2020), Argentine (2020), Tales of King Cambrinus (2023)
- Bruno B. Bordier: cover: Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension (2009),Journey to the Inverted World (2011)
- E. Bouard: illustrations: Doctor Omega Collector's Edition (2003)
- Lina Buffolente: comics: Homicron (2008)
- Fernando Calvi: cover & illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 2 (2006), Gentlemen of the Night (2007); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Douglas Carrel: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Roberto Castro: covers: Bob Lance 1, Bob Lance 2, Bob Lance 3 (2014), The Secret Files of Donald J. Trump (2020), Miss Musketeer (2022), Doctor Mystery (2022), Queen of Illusions (2023)
- Caza: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Chabeuh: cover: The Age of Lead (2010)
- Cham: Sibilla: Deadly Circles (2020)
- Jean-Claude Claeys: cover: Nick Carter vs. Fantômas (2007), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2011), The Adventures of Miss Boston (2012), Spawn of the Penitentiary (2013), The Adventures of Therese Arnaud (2013), The Adventures of Ethel King (2014), Arsène Lupin: 813 (2015), Vidocq and the Lemonade Girl (2020)
- Christine Clavel: cover: The Terror of Fu Manchu (2009), The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 6 (2010), Arsène Lupin vs Countess Cagliostro (2010), Voyage to Venus (2011), The Destiny of Fu Manchu (2012)
- Phil Cohen: cover: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011), Balzac's Cane (2010), The Ultimate Pleasure (2015), The Nickel Man (2016), Phantoms (2017), In 1965 (2018), The Ring of Light (2018), The Iron Man (2018), The Murdered City (2018), Irma Vep and the Great Brain of Mars (2019), Don Juan in Paradise (2019), The Man Who Could Read Minds (2019), Doc Ardan: The Fall of Inramonda (2020), The Improbables (2023), Paranamanco (2023), Black Sheep (2023), The Adventures of Bearcub Ironskull (2024)
- Cybele Collins: illustraTales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Mike Collins: ill. : The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Nathan Colot: Doc Ardan: The Hurricane Master + The Secret of Frigidopolis (2024)
- Gianluca Costantini: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Daylon: covers & illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2008); Sherlock Holmes and The Circle of Blood (2010); The Many Faces of Arsene Lupin (2012)
- Raphael Del Rosario: cover: The Last Tales of the Shadowmen 20 (2023)
- Arnaud Demaegd: covers: Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Hollow Needle (2004), Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Blonde Phantom (2005), Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Play (2006), Revenants (2007), The Martian Epic (2009), Prince Bonifacio (2013)
- Michel Desimon: The Superhumans (2011)
- Sylvain Despretz: Despair (2004); Robonocchio en FrançaisRobonocchio en Español (2004), An Inhabitant of Planet Mars (2008); illustration: John Devil (2005)
- Amar Djouad: The Crazy Corner (2011), Shadows of the Opera: Retribution in Blood (2013), Sisters of the Shadows: The Cagliostro Curse (2013), Tales of the Hexagonverse 1 (2020), Hexagon #2: War of the Immortals (2021)
- Patrick Dumas: cover: The League of Heroes (2006), Monsieur Lecoq (2009)
- Rich Faber: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Fabien Fernandez: The Green Eyes (2017)
- Seth Fisher: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Jean-Claude Forest: Baby Cyanide (2023); The Illustrated Shambleau (2023)
Gil Formosa: Doctor Omega (2003), Doc Dynamo (2004), News from the Moon (2005), Phenix (2006), Zembla (2007), The People of the Pole (2008), The Germans on Venus (2009); illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)- Gerald Forton: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Gilles Francescano: cover: The Night Orchid (2004), Doctor Lerne (2010), A Man Among the Microbes (2010), The Blue Peril (2010), The Doctored Man (2010), The Master of Light (2010), The Dominion of the World 1, The Dominion of the World 2, The Dominion of the World 3, The Dominion of the World 4 (2012)
- John Gallagher: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Tales of the Shadowmen 8 (2010), The Shadow of Judex (2013)
- Mariusz Gandzel: cover: Ortog (2010), Martyrs of Science (2013), The Magnetized Corpse (2014), Tales of the Shadowmen 11 (2014), Napoleon's Vampire Hunters (2017), The Devil Plague of Naples (2018), The Land of Everlasting Gloom (2020), Return to the Center of the Earth (2020), Twenty Thousand Years Under the Sea (2020), Blood Light (2023), Mortefontaine (2023), The Shores of Night (2024)
- Eduardo Garcia: Barry Barrison, Ghost Detective: The Tarford Inheritance (2021), Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen 2 (2024)
- Manuel Garcia: cover: Jaydee (2009), Strangers 1 (2014); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Cayetano Garza, Jr.: covers: Panic in Paris (2009). Teen Angels & New Mutants (2011)
- Genkis & Sev: covers: Rouletabille at Krupp's (2013), The Shadow of Judex (2013), The Polarian-Denebian War 1 (2016), The Polarian-Denebian War 2 (2016), Sherlock Holmes, Fantomas, Lupin and Raffles (2017), The Adventures of Marius Pegomas, Marseille Detective (2017)
- M. Gourdon: illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Timothy J. Green II: The Time Brigade (2017)
- Frédéric Grivaud: cover: The Daughter of Fantômas (2006); comics: Phenix (2005)
- Danilo Grossi: comics: Jaydee (2009)
- Mario Guevara: The Partisans (2018)
- Matt Haley: illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 7 (2011); cover: Harry Dickson: The Werewolf of Rutherford Grange (2011)
- Meinert Hansen: cover: Undersea Odyssey (20011)
- Hardtone: cover: The Katrina Protocol (2008)
- Arnaud Hascoet: cover: The Complete Adventures of Judith Lee (2012), Return of the Nyctalope (2013)
- John Heebink: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Sam Hiti: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Mike Hoffman: cover: The Vampires of Mars (2008), Pacifica 1 (2010), To-Ho and the Gold Destroyers (2010), The Missing Link (2010), The Supreme Progress (2011), The Tale of Gold and Silence (2011), A Surfeit of Mirrors (2012), The Tower of Destiny (2012), Isoline and the Serpent-Flower (2013), Pharaoh's Wife (2013), The Immortal Woman (2013), The Centaurs (2013), The Children of the Crab (2013), Someone is Stealing Children in Paris (2014), The Enchanted City (2014), Arsène Lupin: The Island of the Thirty Coffins (2014), The Bacheloress, The Companion, The Couple (2014), The Vampire Almanac (Vol. 1) (2015), Nora, The Ape-Woman (2015), The Fossil Man (2015), The Vampire Almanac (Vol 2) (2015), The Quest of Frankenstein (2015), Mephista (2015), The Last Days of Atlantis (2015), Trilby * The Crumb Fairy (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 12 (2015), Pacifica 2 (2016), Voyage to the Center of the Earth (2016), Posthumous Correspondence 1, Posthumous Correspondence 2, Posthumous Correspondence 3 (2016), The Last Fay (2016), The Son of Silence (2016), Astral Amour (2016), The Crocodile (2016), The Mirror of Present Events (2016), The Lynx (2016), The Perfume of Lust (2016), The Mirror of Dionysus (2017), The Story of the Great Prince Oribeau (2017), The Four Beauties and the Four Beasts (2017), The Man Who Married a Mermaid (2017), The Triumph of Frankenstein (2017), The End of Atlantis (2017), The Human Paradise (2017), The Marvelous Story of Claire d'Amour (2017), The Call of the Beast (2017), Priscilla of Alexandria (2017), The Angel of Lust (2017), Lost! (2017), The Mystery of the Tiger (2017), The Poison of Goa (2017), Lucifer (2017), The Blood of Toulouse (2017), The Albigensian Treasure (2017), Jean de Fodoas (2017), Melusine (2018), The Brothers of the Virgin Gold (2018), Singular Amours (2018), The Robe of Sincerity (2018), Penelope's Secret (2018), The Mysterious Hermit of the Tomb (2018), Pan's Flute (2018), The Land of Delights (2018), The Palace of Vengeance (2018), Princess Camion (2018), Superhuman Tales (2018), The Tyranny of the Fays Abolished (2018), The Impossible Enchantment (2018), Florine and Boca (2018), The Queen of the Fays (2018), Funestine (2018), The Enchanter's Mirror (2019), The Origin of the Fays (2019), Tales of the Fays 1 (2019), Tales of the Fays 2 (2019), Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019), The Little Fays in the Air (2019), The White Wolf (2019), The Angel and the Sphinx (2019), The Tyranny of the Word (2019), The Spells of Frankenstein (2019), The Alluring (2019), Weird Fiction in France (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 1) (2020), The Bald Giants (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 2) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 3) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 4) (2020), The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 5) (2020), Exquisite Pandora (2020), The Return of Captain Vampire (2020), The Bride of the Sun (2021), The Soul of Soroe (2021), Fays of the Seas (2021)., Magical Tales (2021), French Tales of Alien Encounters (2022), French Tales of Cataclysms (2022), The Sword of Argall (2022), Kobor Tigan't (2023), Dr. Cornelius vs Countess Petrovksa (2024), The Reign of Ta (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 1) (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 2) (2024), French Tales of Vampires (Vol. 3) (2025)
- Greg Horn: cover: The Devastator (2005)
- Aurelien Hubert: cover: The Song of Montsegur (2010), The Prince of Fools (2019), William's Angel (2019)
- Willy Hudic: comics: Kabur (2005)
- Ladrönn: covers: CLASH (2006), Kabur (2007), Knightshade (2003), The Scaffold (2004), Tales of the Shadowmen 4 (2008), Vampire City (2003), The Vampire Countess (2003), The Vampire Soul (2004), Lamekis (2011), Amilec (2011), The Nyctalope Steps In (2011), The Double Life (2012), Night of the Nyctalope (2012), The Nyctalope and The Tower of Babel (2018); The Nyctalope and The Master of Life (2022), The Nyctalope vs. The Antichrist (2024); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- David Lafuente: comics: Kabur (2007); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Mickael Laguerre: cover & illustrations: Manhattan Ghost (2014)
- Vincent Laik: cover: The Navigators of Space, The World of the Variants, The Mysterious Force, Vamireh, The Givreuse Enigma, The Young Vampire, Helgvor of the Blue River (2010), Mysteryville (2010), Illusions of Immortality (2012), The Future City (2012), The Unpretentious Philosopher (2012), Paris in the Year 2000 (2013), Cybele: An Extraordinary Voyage Into the Future (2013), The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 1, The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 2, The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius 3 (2014), The World of Mercury (2015), Doc Ardan: The Abominable Snowman (2016), Pan's Flute (2018); The Handbook of French Science Fiction (2022)
- Tim Lambon: covers: The Wandering Jew's Daughter (2005), Rocambole (2006)
- Steve Leaialoha: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- David Lecossu: cover: Monsieur Synthesis (2013), The Marvelous Adventures of Serge Myrandhal on Mars (2014)
- Nathalie Lial: cover: The Vampire and the Devil's Son (2007), The Virgin Vampire (2011), Tales of the Shadowmen 9 (2012), Around the World on Five Sous (2015), The Naiads * Beauty and the Beast (2017), The Companions of the Silence (2018), Bel Demonio (2018), The Bad Dream (2019); The Handbook of French Fantasy & Supernatural Fiction (2022)
- Eric Lorin: cover: Chalet in the Sky (2011)
- Stéphane Louis: comics: Phenix (2006)
- Jean-Félix Lyon: cover: Chronolysis (2010), Spiridon (2010), The Secret of Zippelius (2011), Ever Smaller (2011), City of Glass (2011), Illa's End (2011), The Wing (2011), The Year 5865 (2012), Love in 5000 Years (2013), The Castaways of Eros (2013), The Eternal Flame (2013), In A Thousand Years (2013), The Eupantophone (2014), The Petitpaon Era (2014), The Olotelepan (2014), Paris Before the Deluge (2014), The World Turned Upside Down (2014), The War of the Sexes (2015), The Ark (2015), The Mutilated Bacchus (2015), The Aerial Valley (2015), The New Moon (2015), The Humanisphere (2016), Arrival in the Stars (2017), Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018), The Incredible Advenrure (2019)
- Alfredo Macall: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004); cover: Hexagon: Dark Matter (2013), Strangers 0 (2014), Dragut/Scarlet Lips, Galaor Warrior of Mû, Guardian of the Republic/Dragut; Guardian of the Republic/Phenix, Gun Gallon, Kidz, Strangers 3, Tales of the Hexagonverse #2: Family Business (2021); Tales of the Hexagonverse 3 (2021)
- Aurelien Maccarelli: The Angel Asrael (2017), Midnight!! (2021), Tales of the Shadowmen 19 (2022), The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 1) (2025), The Devil's Memoirs (Vol. 2) (2025)
- Gary McCluskey: covers: Ouha, King of the Apes (2012)
- Mark Maddox: cover: Crossovers 1, Crossovers 2 (2010)
- Chris Malgrain: cover: comics: Wampus (2005); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Manchu: Starmasters (2018)
- Mandy: cover: The World Above the World (2011), Nemoville (2012), Timeslip Troopers (2012), Investigations of the Future (2012), The Vampire of the Val-de-Grace (2012), The Golden Rock (2012), The Fiery Wheel (2013), The Necessary Evil (2014), Caresco Superman (2014), The Exploits of Professor Tornada 1 (2014), The Exploits of Professor Tornada 2 (2014), The Exploits of Professor Tornada 3 (2014), The Human Ant (2014), The Philosophical Voyager (2015), The Strange Voyages of Jacques Massé and Pierre de Mésange (2015), The Merchants of Health (2015), The Man With the Blue Face (2015), Jonathan the Visionary (2018), The Second Life (2018), Human Seed (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 17 (2020)
- Mike Manley: cover: Tales of the Shadowmen 1 (2005); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Manuel Martin Peniche: cover: Starlock (2009); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Tales of the Twilight People (2015)
- Stephan Martiniere (aka Grillon): covers: Artahe (2004), War for the Oaks (2004), The Novel of the Future (2008), The Great Cataclysm (2011), The Xenobiotic Invasion (2011), City (2012), The Clone Rebellion (2015), Engineer Von Satanas (2015), The Maker of Men and his Formula (2015), Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man (2016), Harry Dickson: The Man in Grey (2016), Tales of the Shadowmen 15 (2018), Double-Head (2020); French Tales of Mad Scientists 1 (2023), French Tales of Mad Scientists 2 (2024); illustrations: Robonocchio en Français (2004), Robonocchio en Español (2004)
- Francesco Mattioli: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Mauricet: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Hank Mayo: covers: Felifax (2007), Captain Vampire (2007)
- Mario Mercier: The Sacred Fire (2019)
- Jean-Michel Nicollet: cover: Harry Dickson and the Heir of Dracula (2009), Tales of the Shadowmen 10 (2013), Harry Dickson vs. The Spider (2014), Harry Dickson vs Mysteras (2021); Harry Dickson vs. Krik-Krok, The Walking Dead (2022);
- Jean-Pierre Normand: covers: The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 1, The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System 2 (2009), The Mote in Time's Eye (2010), The World in 2000 Years (2011), The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut (2012), The Conquest of the Air (2013), An Unknown World (2014), An International Mission to the Moon (2016), Journey to the Sun (2016); artbook: Science Fiction Illustrations (2009)
- Andrew Paquette: covers: The Iron Triangle (2004), Majorca (2004), Peripheral Vision (2005), John Devil (2005), Shadowmen 1 (2003), Shadowmen 2 (2004)
- Vincent Partel: cover: Sherlock Holmes in Paris (2013)
- Fernando Pasarin: comics: Phenix (2006); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Anne-Claire Payet: covers: The Wayward Muse (2005), The Stones of Camelot (2006), Anne of the Isles (2007), The Green Gods (2010)
- Olivier & Stéphane Peru: cover: Edgar Allan Poe on Mars (2007); Automata (2020); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Javier Pina: Strangers 1 (2014)
- John Pinkerton: cover: Judex (The Screenplay) (2012)
- Alberto Ponticelli: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Jean-Michel Ponzio: covers: The Black Coats: 'Salem Street (2005), The Black Coats: The Invisible Weapon (2006), The Black Coats: The Parisian Jungle (2008), The Black Coats: The Companions of the Treasure (2008), The Black Coats: Heart of Steel (2010), The Black Coats: The Cadet Gang (2010), The Black Coats: The Sword Swallower (2011), Vengeance of the Oval Portrait (2011), 1 The Terror of Madame Atomos (2010), 2 Miss Atomos (2011), 3 The Return of Madame Atomos (2011) - 4 The Mistake of Madame Atomos (2012) - 5 The Monsters of Madame Atomos (2012) - 6 The Revenge of Madame Atomos (2013) - 7 The Resurrection of Madame Atomos (2013) - 8 The Mark of Madame Atomos (2013) - 9 The Spheres of Madame Atomos (2014) - 10 The Wrath of Madame Atomos (2014), The Sins of Madame Atomos (2017); illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), Chevalier Coqdor vs The Zodiac (2024)
- Paul Pope: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Prince Gigi: covers: The Adventures of Captain Cap (2013)
- David Rabbitte: covers: Frankenstein Meets the Hunchback of Notre-Dame (2005), Lord Ruthven the Vampire (2004), The Return of Lord Ruthven (2004), Rouletabille and the Mystery of the Yellow Room (2009),Lord Ruthven Begins (2010), The Vampire Lord Ruthwen (2011), The New Exploits of Joseph Rouletabille (2020)
- Rapeno: cover: Doctor Omega Collector's Edition (2003); illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007)
- Dimitri Rastorgoueff: cover: Ignis: The Central Fire (2009), The Apocryphal Napoleon (2016)
- Mike Ratera: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Fleurine Rétoré: cover: Euridyce's Lament (2015), The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets (2015), Tales of the Shadowmen 14 (2017)
- Edmond Ripoll: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Albert Robida: illustrations: Tales of the Shadowmen 3 (2007), News from the Moon (2007), The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (2009), Electric Life (+ cover) (2013)
- Denis Rodier: covers: The Nyctalope vs. Lucifer (2007), Fantômas in America (2007), The Nyctalope on Mars (2008), Enter the Nyctalope (2009); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Juan Roncagliolo Berger: comics: Phenix (2006); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Timothée Rouxel: cover:The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds (2016)
- Jack Rowell: photo cover: Green Mountain Cinema (2004)
- Steve Rude: cover: Homicron (2008); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Jose Luis Ruiz Perez: Tiger and the Eye (2018), Tales of the Hexagonverse 4 (2022)
- Daniele Serra: covers: The Shadow of Frankenstein (2008),Frankenstein and the Vampire Countess (2009), Sherlock Holmes vs Fantômas (2009), Sherlock Holmes and the Vampires of Eternity (2009), Frankenstein in London (2011), Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper (2011), The Human Microbes (2012), The New World (2012), Danse Macabre (2013), Ahasuerus (2013), The Second Life of Doctor Albin (2016), The Heads That Fell in Paris (2016), The Casebook of Monsieur Lecoq (2016); Harry Dickson: Tenebras (2016); The Police Agent (2017), The Gates of Hell (2017), Two Crimes (2017), The Exigent Shadow (2019); The Painter of Spirits (2019), The Quiet Dead (2019), Living with the Dead (2019), Tales of the Shadowmen 16 (2019); artbook: Illusions (2009)
- Eric Shanower: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Mike Shoyket: covers: Doctor Omega and the Shadowmen (2011), The Death of Fantômas (2017)
- Arnaud Sohyer-Budow: cover: The Final War (2014), The Misfortunes of John Bull (2015)
- Gino Starace: cover: Sâr Dubnotal vs. Jack the Ripper (2010), Sâr Dubnotal 2: The Astral Trail (2015)
- Jay Stephens: cover: Royal Flush (2004); illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Ron Sutton: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Phil Yeh: illustrations: The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- Yoz: cover: The Clock of the Centuries (2008), Radio-Terror (2011), The Mysterious Fluid (2011), Baal (2011), The Frenetic People (2012), The Conqueror of Death (2013), The Masters of Silence (2014), The Battle of Strasbourg (2014), Homo-Deus (2014),Jim Click (2015), Doc Ardan: The Trogolodytes of Mount Everest (2016), French Tales of Mad Scientists 3 (2024)