Penelope's Secret

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by Nicolas Ségur
adapted by Brian Stableford

cover by Mike Hoffman

For I began to wonder how, in your long and pure widowhood, retired to your cold bed, you succeeded in learning so many amorous artifices
US$ 20.95/GBP 12.99
5x8 tpb, 264 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-733-2
Penelope’s Secret (1922) picks up where Homer’s Odyssey ends, after the slaying of Penelope’s suitors and the discovery that her stubborn virtue was somewhat exaggerated, which causes Ulysses to seek advice from Minerva, Menelaus and his old tutor, the centaur Chiron.
Plato in Search of Amour (1926) described the manner in which Plato, emerging from adolescence, feels the pangs of young love and seeks the guidance of Socrates who hands him over to the great courtesan Aspasia
Naïs at the Mirror (1920) features the notorious courtesan whose self-examination includes accounts of her dealings with her lovers, her observations of Athenian mores and the conduct of contemporary philosophers, such as Epicurus. 

 Le Secret de Penelope [Fasquelle, 1922]
Platon cherche l’Amour [Flammarion, 1926]
Naïs au miroir [Fasquelle/Bibliothèque Charpentier, 1920.]
Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford.