
by Charles-François Tiphaigne de la Roche
adapted by Brian Stableford

cover by Ladrönn

"As everyone knows, the Planets are as many habitable worlds, but they require a certain degree of maturity in order to be populated, and they haven't all reached that degree yet. Those different Earths are like as many large apples, which, although attached to the same tree, don't all ripen at the same time..."

US$ 22.95 /GBP 14.99
5x8 tpb, 296 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-033-3

In Amilec (1753), Charles-François Tiphaigne de la Roche conceived the concept of journeys through the Solar System. His extrapolation of the manner in which human seeds are used to populate other planets may seem primitive, but it is a fascinating prediction of what will eventually become cosmology and embriology.

In 1760, Tiphaigne sent his characters to explore the secret land of Giphantie located deep in Africa, where a race of secret supermen live in majestic isolation watching a medium remarkably similar to television.

Finally, in 1761, in The Empire of the Zaziris, Tiphaigne predicted future tales of secret invasions by imagining that mysterious beings, descendents of the sylphs and djinns of legends, live hidden among us, secretly controlling the destiny of Humankind.

A proto-scientist, physician and contemporary of Voltaire, Tiphaigne de la Roche penned three fantastic tales of Swiftian satire that are also ground-breaking, foundation texts of French science fiction.

Amilec; or, The Human Seed that Serves to Populate the Planets [Amilec, ou La Graine d'Hommes qui Sert à Peupler les Planètes] (1753)
Zamar, Amilec's Delegate to the Moon [Zamar, député à la lune par Amilec, Grand-Maître de la Manufacture des Graines d'Hommes, augmentée de la Relation du Voyage d'un Sublunaire] (1754)
Giphantie (1760)
Zazirocracy; or, The Empire of the Zaziris over Humankind [L'Empire des zaziris sur les humains, ou le zazirocracy] (1761)
Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford.

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