The Improbables


2 science fiction novels by Kurt Steiner

translated by Michael Shreve

cover by Phil Cohen

US$ 20.95/GBP 18.99
5x8 tpb, 236 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-182-4

The Improbables:

For Dr. Manuel Esteban, discovering that he now has gills when coming in contact with water is already a fairly striking revelation.. But seeing himself invited to a cannibal feast by the woman of his dreams is a shock, especially especially after having been brutally torn away from his peaceful existence as a ruthless scientist, four hundred years from now.
But, what perils wouldn't Esteban be willing to face in order to reach the paradisal world of the "Improbables" located at the end of a fabulous temporal quest created by the defectors from the eternal time war between Babelia and Kaltarborog...

The 32nd of July:

After becoming the victim of a strange particle experiment, CIA operative Ken Broad finds himself in an alien city, except it is not a city at all, but a vast, living being. Venturing into the organs of that formidable chained Leviathan, which compensates for its natural immobility by releasing hordes of bizarre cells, can Ken and his companions find a way to ghet back to Earth ?

"Kurt Steiner" is the pseudonym of André Ruellan (1922-2016), one of France's best-known science fiction and horror writers, as well as one of its most distinguished film writers.


Introduction by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Le 32 Juillet (FNA 146, 1959)
Les Improbables (FNA 269, 1965)

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